New Moon in Leo 8.16.23
Why do we break?
What measures the pressure of
the crack that
fractures the whole?
How can you trust be put back together,
until you fully break?
How can a heart fully love,
until it grieves the part of itself it lost along the way?
We must break,
so we can mend.
We must forever,
so we can give,
fully, of ourselves.
We must cry,
to make room for who we are becoming.
There is no transformation without a little bit of ourselves dying.
There is no growth,
without the decay of our
previous versions of self.
There is no new beginning,
without making space for surrender.
What are we here for,
it not to bend and break,
again and again,
until the muscle of our heart
becomes strong enough
to trust who we are,
And who we are becoming.